Success and Motivation Quotes

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Review Your Diet!-Did You know-2

  • Keep a food diary to see when and what you are eating
    • - Try to keep the diary for at least three days to get a picture of your eating habits
    • - Use a new page for each day
    • - Record the time, place and how you felt each time you ate
    • - Be honest - try and write down everything, including all meals, snacks and nibbles
    • - Don't starve yourself - eating well is your aim; not going hungry
  • Use the diary to try to identify your weaknesses!
  • Spend time considering if you get all the components you need from your diet
  • Clear out your cupboards - rid yourself of temptation and "danger" foods

1 comment:

Jessica said...

When I had gestational diabetes, I had a "diet" I was supposed to follow, and had to write down EVERYTHING I ate. I felt so much healthier, and at times when I was tempted to eat something I shouldn't, I thought of how much I wouldn't want to see it written on that paper. It's hard sometimes to stop and take the time to write it, but it is definitely beneficial!

Mottos for Success

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